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Free Employee of The Month Award Certificate Template

employee of the month award

Rewarding your employees for their efforts is a key to boosting morale and building a solid working relationship between you and your staff. It can promote a healthy and productive workplace; any good employer will want to recognize their team members’ achievements.

What better way to do this than using this sharp and stylish Employee of the Month Award?! 

This certificate template comes in an easy-to-download document format that you can edit with Microsoft Word. You can simply fill in your chosen award recipient’s name, award details, and any other information you want to include. 

Its eye-catching, dark, and professional-looking color scheme give the certificate a nice, clean-cut edge, making it ideal for the professional world. 

You can download a free, watermarked version of the template or go for the premium version that comes in a higher resolution and without a watermark.

Format: Word (zipped) or try our brand new certificate maker, it’s free!

License: Read the license terms.

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